pywbem-0.7 2008-12-12 BUG FIXES: * Fixed enumInstances and references in cim_provider to do a deep copy of the model before filtering instances so provider writers are less surprised. (Bart Whiteley) * Added CIMDateTime.__cmp__() so that CIMDateTime instances can be compared. (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed data types of method return values for python providers. (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed REF array out parameters in (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed Array parameters with no elements. (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed precision for real32 and real64 types. (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed Array properties where is_array isn't set in __init__. (Bart Whiteley) * Added NocaseDict.__cmp__(self, other). (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed WBEMConnection.__repr__ for anonymous connections. (Tim Potter) * Fixed XML encoding of CIMQualifierDeclarations. (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed EnumerateQualifiers if there are no qualifiers. (Bart Whiteley) * Fixed InvokeMethod to only send a LOCALCLASSPATH or LOCALINSTANCEPATH, not a CLASSPATH or INSTANCEPATH. (Bart Whiteley) * Fix unexpected line break in basic auth header for long credentials. (Daniel Hiltgen) * Fix Host: HTTP header when connecting to a unix domain socket. (Bart Whiteley) * Fix deprecation warnings with Python 2.6. (Bart Whiteley) ENHANCEMENTS: * Added support for generating Pegasus provider registration MOF in cim_provider.codegen(). (Bart Whiteley) * Implemented methods to parse indication export requests. (Bart Whiteley) * Python provider code generation enhancements. (Bart Whiteley) * Support for Pegasus Local authentication. (Bart Whiteley) * Support for Pegasus and OpenWBEM Unix Domain Socket. (Tim and Bart) * Added support for Pegasus non-compliant EMBEDDEDOBJECT XML attribute. (Bart Whiteley) * Added CIMQualifierDeclaration.tomof(). (Bart Whiteley) * Added a powerful MOF compiler. (Bart Whiteley) * Added property filtering to CIMInstance. (Bart Whiteley) * Added value attribute to CIMParameter. (Bart Whiteley) * Rigged CIMInstance to automagically update CIMInstance.path.keybindings as key properties are set. (Bart Whiteley) * Added A new provider interface. Python providers using this interface can use the cmpi-bindings project within OMC ( to run under any CIMOM supporting the CMPI interface. This is prefered to the old interface that was used with the Python Provider Managers for OpenWBEM and Pegasus. * Changed to not import anything from (or into the pywbem namespace. Existing providers based on can still work with a minor adjustment involving importing CIMProvider from pywbem.cim_provider. The codegen funtion can now be obtained with 'from pywbem.cim_provider import codegen', or 'from pywbem.cim_provider2 import codegen' or similar. * Added command line utility. (Tim Potter) * Pass keyword args in unix domain socket connection functions down to WBEMConnection(). (Tim Potter) pywbem-0.6 2007-10-26 LICENSING: * Relicensed from the GNU GPLv2 to the GNU LGPLv2. API CHANGES: * Add a type keyword arg and attribute to CIMQualifier, similar to the CIMProperty object, to allow the creation of null qualifiers. (Tim Potter) * Remove the toxml() method from CIM object classes. Use tocimxml().toxml() instead which specifies the CIM-XML representation of the object. (Tim Potter) * CIMDateTime class should now be used instead of datetime.datetime and datetime.timedelta. * Added a new method, CIMInstance.update_existing(). This behaves like update() on a dict, but only assigns new values to existing properties. It skips values for properties not already present in the instance. This is useful for honoring PropertyList within python providers. BUG FIXES: * Explicitly specify charset="utf-8" in HTTP Content-type header as this is required now by the Pegasus cimserver. (Tim Potter) * Parse VALUETYPE elements that contain a TYPE attribute. This feature was introduced in version 2.2 of the CIM-XML DTD and produced by some CIMOMs such as the Java WBEM Server. (Tim Potter) * Don't require CreateInstance to have the path attribute set but if it is, use the namespace from it. (Tim Potter) * Allow extrinsic methods to return object references. (Tim Potter) * Fix CIMInstanceName to support more numeric types of keybindings. (Bart Whiteley) * Fix datetime values to support utc offset. (Bart Whiteley) * Fix http client to monitor the connection more closely (RFC 2616 section 8.2.2). Previously, a large request could cause a socket exception with no ability to read the response and respond to an authentication challenge. * Fix NULL qualifiers to have a (required) type. (Martin Mrazik) * Fix initialising CIMInstanceName keys from a NocaseDict. (Bart Whiteley) * Return correct namespace in path for return value from GetInstance. (Tim Potter) * Numerous bugfixes to Twisted Python client. (Tim Potter) * Fix for x.509 SSL certificate handling. (Bas ten Berge) * EnumerateClassNames() now returns an empty list instead of None if there are no classes. (Bart Whiteley) ENHANCEMENTS: * Support for OpenWBEM password-less local authentication. (Bart Whiteley) * Support for embedded objects is described in DSP0201-2.2.0 (Bart Whiteley) * New CIMDateTime class to deal with CIM-isms of datetimes. Most notably, datetime deals with timezone info poorly. (Bart Whiteley) * Add InvokeMethod() support in Twisted Python client. (Tim Potter) pywbem-0.5 2006-11-21 API CHANGES: * Many API changes were made to simplify the function and object interface of PyWBEM. Aspects of just about every CIM operation call and CIM object have changed. The major changes are: - The "LocalNamespacePath" keyword argument has been renamed to simply "namespace" for all CIM operations. - Replaced all object location classes with CIMInstanceName, and all instance classes with CIMInstance. CIMInstanceName now has "host" and "namespace" attributes to fully name a reference to an instance. The CIMInstance class now has a "path" attribute which is of type CIMInstanceName. - EnumerateInstances() now returns a list of CIMInstance objects (with path attribute set) instead of a list of CIMNamedInstance or tuples of (CIMInstanceName, CIMInstance). - All representations of properties can now be represented with the CIMProperty class. * All classes now have a copy() method which return a deep copy of the object. PyWBEM makes extensive use of dictionary objects which are passed by reference in Python. Use the copy() method to create and manipulate objects without modifying them by accident. BUG FIXES: * Fix parse bug when a CIMInstanceName is passed as the localobject parameter to WBEMConnection.InvokeMethod(). * Fix parsing of INSTANCE elements containing PROPERTY.REFERENCE elements bug found by Bart Whiteley. This turns up when processing associations. (Tim Potter) * Handle extrinsic method calls that don't return a value or any output parameters. (Tim Potter) * Fixed parsing of PARAMETER.ARRAY and PARAMETER.REFARRAY to not require optional attrs. (Bart Whiteley) * Atomic_to_cim_xml string generation for a datetime - was missing a >> '.' in the string. (Norm Paxton) * InvokeMethod did not provide for 'None' in output parameters. (Norm Paxton) ENHANCEMENTS: * More parts of the class provider interface have been implemented. (Tim Potter, Bart Whiteley) * Many case-sensitivity bugs, mostly in __cmp__ methods, were found and fixed. (Tim Potter) * Implemented a test suite for maintaining backward compatibility and testing new features. (Tim Potter) * Implemented ExecQuery. (Bart Whiteley) * Allow a string classname to be passed as the localobject parameter to WBEMConnection.InvokeMethod(). (Tim Potter) * Add missing qualifiers on array properties. (Bart Whiteley) * Added code for performing asynchronous WBEM client operations using the Twisted Python framework. (Tim Potter) * Allow extrinsic method calls that take parameters. (Tim Potter) * Added cim_http.AuthError exception class. This is raised if the CIMOM returns a 401 (Unauthorized). Now the client can distinguish this condition, and (re)prompt for credentials. (Bart Whiteley) * Created cim_obj.CIMParameter class. Added return type, class origin, propagated to CIMMethod. CIMParameter object now allows parameter types and qualifiers to be obtained. (Bart Whiteley) * Implemented case-insensitive keys for property and qualifier dictionaries, as per the CIM specification. (Tim Potter, Bart Whitely) pywbem-0.4 2005-11-15 BUG FIXES: * Correctly calculate value of Content-Length HTTP header to include opening XML stanza. (Szalai Ferenc) * Fix syntax error when re-raising socket errors. (Pat Knight) ENHANCEMENTS: * Support for marshaling and unmarshaling CIM dates object into Python datetime objects. (Szalai Ferenc) * Experimental module for making asynchronous WBEM calls with PyWBEM in Twisted Python. (Tim Potter) * Add parameter type checking for object location classes. (Tim Potter) * Allow caller to pass in a dictionary containing the location of the SSL certificate and key files as per the httplib.HTTPSConnection() class constructor. (Pat Knight) API CHANGES: * Change association provider API functions to take a fixed parameter for the named object instead of a keyword argument. This breaks backward compatibility. (Tim Potter) * Remove the CIMLocalNamespacePath class and replaced by a Python string. (Tim Potter) PORTABILITY: * Don't use UserDict.DictMixin base class as it only exists in Python 2.3 and higher. (Tim Potter) TESTS: * Add tests for parameter type checking for object location classes. (Tim Potter) * Add tests for string representation of object location classes. (Tim Potter)